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A easy to follow merchandising course for retail store owners

Design Drool Worthy Stores

that stand out from the crowd!

It's time to 

Master your Merchandising!

You've done the hard part, you're open for business!

and you've curated a product line you're dang proud of. 


Your sales are inconsistent

and your customer return rate is not where you want it to be

You KNOW you have something special but your store design is just not showing it.

Something has to change 

So you can finally stand our from the crowd and become the lifestyle brand that EVERYONE is talking about (move out of the way Anthro)

hi! i'm Jamie

A retail owner and lover of small business.

 I have owned and operated my own businesses for 7 years now and before that I spent 8 years as an educator. 

Going to fun and unique shops is one of my FAVORITE parts of discovering new towns. There is just something so special about finding a place that you can tell was thoughtfully curated and designed, plus add on some exceptional customer service and you can't loose

I LOVE getting to help other brick and mortar owners design spaces and experiences that WOW their customers. 

Being able to provide something unique and memorable is the KEY to standing out in todays saturated market. 

And I created my program to help other store owners do just that. 






Starting at $1,200 a month

My 1:1 business consulting services cater to both product and service-based businesses, providing tailored custom guidance & support to help you step your retail design up and stand out from the crowd!

I work closely with you to identify areas for improvement, develop effective merchandising strategies, and implement solutions to drive growth and success.

Leaving you with a company that customers LOVE and are excited to shop over and over!

Includes bi-weekly 1 hr consult calls

*minimum 3 month commitment

Merchandising Mastery

Online Course


Redesign your retail space and upgrade your customer experience in 3 months or less

Become a merchandising expert and learn to create drool worthy designs that help YOU stand out from the crowd.

Its time to step your store up a notch and become the lifestyle brand you deserve to be!

happy clients

"I'm so grateful to have someone like Jamie in my corner. When embarking on the journey of creating a home fragrance line, Jamie's advice made the seemingly endless tasks less daunting. Whether its about business, packaging or marketing her experience in the retail world is a foundation I continue to learn so much from!"

-Karyn Morrow

Founder of Clean Alchemy

"Jamie is wonderful! She is one person I know I can trust and call on for business advice. "

-Sam Taylor

Owner of Treasure Gardens

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