1:1 Retail Design


Built to give you a partner in business and help your retail store  grow.
 $1200 a month with a minimum 3 month commitment. 

You've got a vision...but implementing it, thats a whole other thing.

If you are:

A product or service based retail owner who needs design expertise to help you create a one of a kind shopping experience.

AND You are:

  • Ready to invest in your store to create a unique boutique experience & develop your business culture.
  • Ready to upgrade your store experience but aren't sure where to start.
  • Looking to create impact for your sales & your customers.
  • You believe your business is more than just a brand and you are ready and willing to put in the work to turn your business into a forward thinking, customer first lifestyle brand that people will brag about and love for years to come.
  • Your company, its values and products are something you wholeheartedly believe in.

Then THIS is the first step towards the lifestyle business you desire. 

Let's make your store THE place to shop!

Fill out the form below to get started!

I am so excited to hear from you and look forward to reviewing your application. Be on the lookout for an email from me and be sure to to be following my Instagram @jamiel_donaldson !

Talk soon!


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Your Website (if applicable) Required field!
Your Niche/Who Do You Serve? Required field!
Instagram handle or Facebook Name Required field!
How would you prefer I reach out to you? Required field!
How Did You Hear About Me? (if from a friend, please mention their name) Required field!
What is your primary concern right now?* Required field!
This coaching program is transformative and the investment reflects the results we achieve. Are you mentally & financially prepared to make a serious investment in yourself right now?* Required field!
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